What is Angle of View in Photography?

By: AngeloBrinkley

Angle of view (AOV), in photography, refers to how far the frame will extend from the camera’s point. You can measure the angle of your view on one of three planes: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. The angle of view can be measured in degrees using the diagonal plane of a frame. A narrow angle of view (less than 30 degrees) will result in a tighter frame. A wider frame is possible with a higher angle of view.

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Angle of view: Definition and how to calculate

Your angle of view is an angular measurement which determines your field-of-view. How to calculate angle of vision using the focal length of your lens and the sensor size on your camera?

The Relationship between Focal Length & Angle of View

The angle of view is determined by the focal length of the lens. Lenses with a shorter focal length and a narrower angle of vision, such as zoom lenses with extreme magnification or super telephoto lenses, can capture images far away, but with a tight angle. Fisheye lenses, as well as wide angle lenses, have a longer focal length and a wider angle of view. This allows them to capture more images in a frame, even when they are far away from the subject. Many digital camera manufacturers such as Sony, Nikon, Canon and Nikon list information about the focal lengths and angles of their lenses in their manuals or online.

Calculating Angle of View

The focal length of the lens determines the angle of view. For DSLR cameras, it is the size of the image sensor within the camera that determines the crop factor. The following equation can be used to calculate angle of view, but it requires some trigonometry.

Angle of View = 2x ArcTan (sensor width/(2x focal length))(180/pi).

You don’t need the (180/pi part of the equation if your graphing calculator is set in degrees. However, radians calculators will require you to add (180/pi to convert the number to degrees).

What is the difference between Angle of View (AOV), and Field of View?

While the terms angle of view and field of view can sometimes be used interchangeably, these terms refer to two different concepts: the dimensions of the frame and the angle at light is allowed in. The actual dimensions of the entire frame are called the field of view (FOV). This is usually measured in the horizontal plane of a frame. The angle of view is the angle at which the lens lets in light. This determines the field of vision. The focal length of a lens determines the angle of view.

Balance in Photography: Types of Balance

What is Balance in Photography?

The compositional technique of balance in photography is to arrange the main subject and other elements in the frame so that all images have equal visual weight. The object or objects within an image that draw the eye is called visual weight. Visual weight is usually greater for objects that are larger and brighter than those that are smaller or darker.

Five Types of Photography Balance

Photographers must know how to arrange the main subject and the surrounding elements in order to achieve balance. A photograph that is not balanced will result in a photograph with too much visual weight. There are five types balance in photography compositions:

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Asymmetrical Balance: Also called informal balance, an asymmetrical or asymmetrical balanced photograph is one that places the main subject off-center. This is a popular composition technique used in tutorials on photography. The core idea of asymmetry underpins many other types of balances. This is a more complex form of photography composition. To achieve an asymmetrical balance you must balance the visual weights of your main subject and any dissimilar objects or objects on either side of the frame. Negative space, which is the unoccupied area around your main subject, can also be used to achieve asymmetrical balance in some cases.

Color balance: This is a form asymmetrical balance which contrasts bright and vibrant colors with more neutral ones. Bright colors are more visually weighty than pastels or muted tones. Too much of either can cause the image to feel unbalanced. A small amount of bright color can be balanced against a larger, neutral space or vice versa.

Conceptual balance: This technique is more dependent on the idea depicted in the photograph than on individual balance elements. Conceptually balanced compositions feature two objects that are philosophically opposites. Conceptual balance is illustrated by a photograph that shows a modern skyscraper and a Victorian house on the right.

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Symmetrical Balance: Also known as formal balance, symmetrical balance is one of the most fundamental compositional techniques. Symmetrical balance is achieved by placing the main subject in the middle of the image. If vertical lines are drawn through them, the mirror image will be created. A symmetrically balanced landscape photograph might include the reflection of a tree, bird, or other object in water. A few photos that are symmetrically balanced may have a lot of negative space in order to emphasize the focal point.

Tonal balance: This is similar to color balance. Tonal balance involves juxtaposing darker images with lighter ones using black-and white photography. Tonally balanced photographs would include images in black and dark shades of grey juxtaposed with white areas.